
Writing Job Interview Is Easy

 JOB INTERVIEW 1. Understanding A job interview is a conversation which occurs between a potential employer and a job applicant. During the job interview, the employer has the opportunity to appraise applicant's qualifications, appearance and general fitness for the job opening. 2. Question & Answer (Content) a) Could you tell me about yourself and describe your background in brief? After greeting, shaking hands and introducing yourself, the next thing that interviewers are probably going to ask you to do is to talk about yourself. They want to know about you and your career growth; they want to know about you related to the job you’re applying for. Answer : “I’ve been working as a junior architect at a small construction company for 2 years and my duties included assisting the senior architect and I’m have been contributed to the an old company project. I have always been interested in architectural design and drawing, which was why I chose to follow this career path.” b) What...


  Lets Learn How To Write Application Letter   Hai friends! Kali ini kita akan belajar menulis application letter, menulis application letter itu tidak sesuilit yang kalian bayangkan loh! Caranya cukup mudah, langkah pertama yang harus kalian lakukan yaitu, mencari tahu bagaimana fungsi dan struktur kalimat yang digunakan dalam menulis application letter.   1.       FUNCTION a.         To improve your probabilities of be for interview. So, you will get the job. b.       To impress a potential employer and set you apart from other applicants c.        To express your interest in an open position and explains who you are as a professional and an individual.   Untuk berikutnya kita masuk ke Part of the Letter-nya, ada apa aja sih isinya? Nah seperti yang sudah tercantum dibawah ini, terdapat 8 bagian seperti:   2.     ...

Dokumentasi Prakerin 2022

Ini adalah dokumentasi rangka atap metal yang saya ambil saat saya berada di Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang. Gambar ini saya ambil sebagai dokumentasi Prakerin yang saya laksanakan di CV. Aditia Jaya Mukti.  Sehubungan dengan proyek yang perusahaan laksanakan di Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, siang itu saya dan rekan-rekan prakerin bertugas mengamati proyek dengan turun langsung di lapangan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses dan prosedur konstruksi bangunan dilakukan.